Pool Troubleshooting
The BAQUACIL® CDX® System was developed to give you a clear, sparkling pool with far less work than ordinary chlorine-based systems. Even so, problems can occur on occasion, and the treatment required may not be the same as for a chlorine-treated pool. Below, we’ve outlined six common issues that can plague a pool owner if they don’t know how to handle it before it becomes a major problem. Feel free to brush up on all six and if you have any further questions, simply consult with us.
Algae, or microscopic plant life in your water, is perhaps one of the most common issues a pool owner will encounter. It comes in a variety of types, including green, mustard and black. Algae results in a variety of unsightly blemishes, such as cloudy water, and can also cause slippery pool surfaces, pH rise, filter blockage and excessive chemical consumption. While not pleasant to swim in or deal with, algae can also harbor bacteria, which can be harmful to swimmers. BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat is a great solution for this issue. In addition to its effectiveness against bacteria, this product will generally provide good algae control. Get the full details on handling algae in your pool by downloading our Treating Algae Reference Sheet (PDF).
Foam in a bubble bath is great – in your pool, not so much. Sometimes foam will be caused by a simple mechanical defect, such as a leak in the plumbing/filter pump. So it’s a good idea to check for leaks first. You should also check the calcium hardness level to be sure your water is in balance. If there are no leaks and the calcium hardness level is acceptable, test your water for the BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat. If it is too high (above 50 ppm) or if your water has an almond-like taste (which would indicate too much BAQUACIL® Algicide), you’ll need to reduce those levels. A solution is to simply stop adding BAQUACIL® Algicide until the foaming disappears. Next, only add BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat if the BAQUACIL® 4-Way Test Strips indicate the need to do so. Consult with us for details.
Waterline Ring
Organic debris tends to accumulate around the waterline of all swimming pools. Due to the chemical nature of BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat, you may have slightly heavier deposits, especially during the first few weeks after converting to the BAQUACIL® CDX® System.
Cloudy Water (Haze)
One of the major causes of hazy pool water, or compromised water clarity, is lack of adequate filtration. If your filter is dirty or clogged, it can’t operate at peak efficiency. This can happen when an accumulation of unwanted contaminants affect your filter, including dirt, suntan lotion, bacteria and algae, body oils and minerals. And sometimes backwashing alone won’t get it really clean. In fact, backwashing a sand filter too often may actually reduce its effectiveness. That’s why you should deep-clean your filter chemically twice during the swimming season with BAQUACIL® Universal Filter Cleaner.
A couple of simple rules will help determine which steps to take to solve the problem by determining if A) You can still see the bottom of your pool or B) You cannot see the bottom of your pool. Get the full steps and treatment course for solving this problem by downloading our Treating Haze Reference Sheet (PDF) for easy to follow, detailed instructions.
Eye Irritation
There’s nothing worse than swimming in a pool and experiencing painful eye irritation while doing so. While common in chlorinated swimming pool environments, BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat is much less likely to cause irritation than chlorinating chemicals. But eye irritation, like an allergy, is a very personal thing. If you get complaints from several swimmers, you should check the BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat level and have us do a complete water analysis. If the water is in balance, but the BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat level exceeds 50 ppm, you should reduce that level. Sanitizer levels will come down on their own, typically 3-4 ppm per day, simply from environmental factors. Our recommendation would be to not add BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat until the BAQUACIL® 4-Way Test Strips indicate the need to do so (<40 ppm). As always, consult with us.
While it isn’t advisable to swallow pool water, the fact is that sometimes it happens while swimming. A funny taste is certainly an indicator that something might be off chemically, so it’s worth noting that this aspect of your pool care can also be easily addressed. If you’re using too much, BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat will make swimming pool water taste dry and bitter. Too much BAQUACIL® Algicide will give an almond-like taste and smell. If either of these tastes should occur, a solution is to simply stop adding BAQUACIL® Algicide until the taste disappears. Next, only add BAQUACIL® Swimming Pool Sanitizer and Algistat if the BAQUACIL® 4-Way Test Strips indicate the need to do so. Again, remember to consult with us for details.